Deckel Maho DMF 250 Linear machining centre

Deckel Maho DMF 250 Linear machining centre
Deckel Maho DMF 250 Linear machining centre
Deckel Maho DMF 250 Linear machining centre image 2
Deckel Maho DMF 250 Linear machining centre image 3
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Deckel Maho DMF 250 Linear machining centre image 16
Deckel Maho DMF 250 Linear machining centre image 17
Deckel Maho DMF 250 Linear machining centre image 18
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Brand: Deckel Maho
Model: DMF 250 Linear
Year of manufacture: 2004
Running hours: 14,074 m/h
Net weight: 24,500 kg
Location: Switzerland St. Gallen6728 km from you
Placed on: more than 1 month
Machineryline ID: MQ39842
Spindle rotational speed: 12,000 rpm
X-axis travel: 2,500 mm
Y-axis travel: 920 mm
Z-axis travel: 820 mm
Current frequency: 50 Hz
Voltage: 400
Manufacturing country: Germany
Overall dimensions: 8.5 m × 6.23 m × 3.27 m
Condition: used
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More details — Deckel Maho DMF 250 Linear machining centre

Objects that are displayed with fingers are not included in the scope of delivery!

Traveling column machine DMF 250 linear
Travel X/Y/Z 2,500 / 920 / 820 mm
Linear drive in the X axis
Speed ​​range 20-12,000 1/min
AC main drive (vertical spindle)
Drive power 35/25 kW (40/100% ED)
Pick-up tool change / 30 magazine slots.
Tool holder SK40 DIN 69871
Rigid table 3,100 x 900 mm

3D path control. Siemens 8400 powerline ShopMill user interface

Chip conveyor (scratch belt conveyor) with slotted screen
Discharge on the left, height 850 mm
Internal cooling lubricant supply (IKZ)
Paper belt filter 40bar/23 I/min / tank 600 1
including rotating viewing windows,
Sealing air for linear measuring systems
Objekte die mit Finger angezeigt sind, sind im Lieferumfang nicht enthalten!

Fahrständermaschine DMF 250 linear
Verfahrweg X/Y /Z 2.500 / 920 / 820 mm
Linearantrieb in der X-Achse
Drehzahlbereich 20-12.000 1/min
AC-Hauptantrieb (Vertikalspindel)
Antriebsleistung 35/25 kW (40/100% ED)
Pick-up Werkzeugwechsel / 30 Magazinpl.
Werkzeugaufnahme SK40 DIN 69871
Starrer Tisch 3.100 x 900 mm

3D-Bahnsteuerg. Siemens 8400 powerline Bedienoberfläche ShopMill

Späneförderer (Kratzbandförderer) mit Spaltsieb
Abwurf links, Höhe 850 mm
nnere Kühlschmierstoffzuführung (IKZ)
Papierbandfilter 40bar/23 I/min / Tank 600 1
inkl. rotierende Sichtscheiben,
Sperrluft für Linearmeßsysteme
¡Los objetos que se muestran con los dedos no están incluidos en el suministro!

Máquina de columna móvil DMF 250 lineal
Recorrido X/Y/Z 2.500 / 920 / 820 mm
Accionamiento lineal en el eje X.
Rango de velocidad 20-12.000 1/min
Unidad principal de CA (husillo vertical)
Potencia motriz 35/25 kW (40/100% ED)
Cambio de herramienta Pick-up / 30 espacios para cargador.
Portaherramientas SK40 DIN 69871
Mesa rígida 3.100 x 900 mm

Control de ruta 3D. Interfaz de usuario ShopMill Siemens 8400 powerline

Transportador de virutas (cinta transportadora raspadora) con criba ranurada
Descarga a la izquierda, altura 850 mm
Suministro interno de lubricante refrigerante (IKZ)
Filtro de cinta de papel 40bar/23 I/min / depósito 600 1
incluyendo ventanas de visualización giratorias,
Aire de sellado para sistemas de medición lineal
Les objets affichés avec les doigts ne sont pas inclus dans la livraison !

Machine à colonne mobile DMF 250 linéaire
Déplacement X/Y/Z 2 500 / 920 / 820 mm
Entraînement linéaire dans l'axe X
Plage de vitesse 20-12 000 1/min
Entraînement principal AC (broche verticale)
Puissance d'entraînement 35/25 kW (40/100% ED)
Changement d'outil pick-up / 30 emplacements pour chargeurs.
Porte-outil SK40 DIN 69871
Table rigide 3 100 x 900 mm

Contrôle du chemin 3D. Interface utilisateur ShopMill CPL Siemens 8400

Convoyeur à copeaux (convoyeur à bande grattée) avec tamis à fentes
Décharge à gauche, hauteur 850 mm
Alimentation interne en lubrifiant de refroidissement (IKZ)
Filtre à bande papier 40bar/23 I/min / réservoir 600 1
y compris les fenêtres de visualisation rotatives,
Air d'étanchéité pour systèmes de mesure linéaires
Gli oggetti visualizzati con le dita non sono compresi nella fornitura!

Macchina a montante mobile DMF 250 linear
Corsa X/Y/Z 2.500 / 920 / 820 mm
Azionamento lineare nell'asse X
Intervallo di velocità 20-12.000 1/min
Azionamento principale CA (mandrino verticale)
Potenza motrice 35/25 kW (40/100% ED)
Cambio utensile pick-up / 30 posti magazzino.
Portautensili SK40 DIN 69871
Tavola rigida 3.100 x 900 mm

Controllo del percorso 3D. Interfaccia utente Siemens 8400 powerline ShopMill

Convogliatore trucioli (nastro trasportatore antigraffio) con vaglio a fessura
Scarico a sinistra, altezza 850 mm
Alimentazione interna del lubrorefrigerante (IKZ)
Filtro a nastro in carta 40bar/23 I/min / serbatoio 600 1
comprese finestre di visualizzazione rotanti,
Aria di tenuta per sistemi di misura lineari
Предметы, которые показываются пальцами, в комплект поставки не входят!

Машина с передвижной колонной DMF 250 линейная
Ход X/Y/Z 2500/920/820 мм
Линейный привод по оси X
Диапазон скоростей 20-12 000 об/мин.
Главный привод переменного тока (вертикальный шпиндель)
Мощность привода 35/25 кВт (40/100% ПВ)
Смена инструмента подборщика / 30 ячеек магазина.
Держатель инструмента SK40 DIN 69871
Жесткий стол 3100 x 900 мм

3D-управление траекторией. Пользовательский интерфейс Siemens 8400 powerline ShopMill

Конвейер стружки (скребковый ленточный конвейер) с щелевым ситом
Разгрузка слева, высота 850 мм.
Внутренний подвод СОЖ (ИКЗ)
Бумажный ленточный фильтр 40 бар/23 л/мин / бак 600 1
включая вращающиеся смотровые окна,
Уплотняющий воздух для линейных измерительных систем
Parmakla görüntülenen nesneler teslimat kapsamına dahil değildir!

Hareketli kolon makinesi DMF 250 lineer
Hareket X/Y/Z 2.500 / 920 / 820 mm
X ekseninde doğrusal tahrik
Hız aralığı 20-12.000 1/dak
AC ana sürücü (dikey iş mili)
Tahrik gücü 35/25 kW (%40/100 ED)
Toplama aleti değişimi / 30 magazin yuvası.
Takım tutucu SK40 DIN 69871
Sert masa 3.100 x 900 mm

3 boyutlu yol kontrolü. Siemens 8400 enerji hattı ShopMill kullanıcı arayüzü

Oluklu elek ile talaş konveyörü (kazımalı bant konveyörü)
Soldan çıkış, yükseklik 850 mm
Dahili soğutma yağı beslemesi (IKZ)
Kağıt bant filtresi 40bar/23 I/dak / tank 600 1
dönen görüntüleme pencereleri dahil,
Doğrusal ölçüm sistemleri için sızdırmazlık havası

移动立柱机 DMF 250 线性
X/Y/Z 行程 2,500 / 920 / 820 毫米
X 轴线性驱动
速度范围20-12,000 1/min
驱动功率 35/25 kW (40/100% ED)
拾取式换刀/30 个刀库插槽。
刀柄 SK40 DIN 69871
刚性工作台 3,100 x 900 mm

3D 路径控制。西门子 8400 电力线 ShopMill 用户界面

左侧卸料,高度 850 mm
纸带过滤器 40bar/23 I/min / 罐 600 1
This offer is for guidance only. Please request more precise information from the seller.
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